Thursday, November 3, 2011

Motherhood for me

I always wonder if I can be better..Don't we all :) Some days I feel like all I do is change poopy diapers and clean up mess after mess! Then at the end of the day there is still piles of laundry and a sink full of dirty dishes! The next day seems to be going better..until nap time, kids wont take a nap for one reason or another. So I end up holding at least one kid for the majority of the day(sometimes it is both). Part of me really enjoys these days because they will let me hold them, but it is really hard to get anything done. I am not a "Super Mom" like a lot of moms that I know, so that day comes to an end with laundry still to fold and even more dishes then the day before...but, I choose to snuggle up on the coach with my husband and watch a movie :). I will clean tomorrow. Morning comes way to soon the kids decide to sleep in so I get an extra long shower:) The morning goes smoothly, both kids are more than happy to take naps today. Ah. I get the laundry folded and all the dishes done and have time to get dinner started early..Now if only every day could go that smoothly ha ha if only I was that lucky! Yes I complain sometimes and yes I get exhausted. Like I said before I am not a "Super Mom". I would never ever change anything though. Being a mom is my dream come true! I love my kiddos with all of my heart and although I may not be perfect I love being a mom. Maybe some day I can be a "Super Mom" :) until that day I will just be the best I can!

1 comment:

  1. You are a "super mom" to me. Just remember how close in age your kids are :)
