To Grammy's house we go!
For Thanksgiving we headed to Boise, Id
Eric is thrilled to make the long drive
Thanksgiving day...Maycee's first time on a trampoline
Grandad had everyone rake all the leaves before the big feast.
These girls had a blast playing in the giant pile of leaves.
Sam was all too happy to participate in the photo shoot
If this little boy could talk what would he be saying right now?
All the rakes were being used so I thought I would
take some pictures of everyone else working :)
I had to get a picture of everyone playing with the cars...
This lasted probably 2 hours no joke ha ha
My favorite moment of the day..Maycee playing the piano with Grammy
We had lots of fun ate too much and didn't get any sleep :) it was a short trip but totally worth it!
That pic of Sam sitting on the lawn looks just like a face Eric would pull! Cute!